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Homework Folders/Planners













We do have a homework folder that will go home each night and will need to be returned each day (please see the diagram). Its purpose is to carry homework, spelling lists, and other important documents back and forth to school. It is also a way to enable communication between myself and families. Your child's planner will also accompany this folder. It is very important that this folder, along with your child's planner is checked every night (preferably together). I also ask that you initial or sign your child's planner EVERY night. **I will also send important information or updates via email and/or post on our classroom website.

Excellence represents one of the pillars of Eagle Ridge, students will demonstrate this pillar by taking pride and turning in their best work. Neat work is expected across all subject areas. Students will be handed back an assignment to re-complete it if their handwriting is not completed within the best of their ability. This will result in late credit until the assignment is turned in and completed.
Volunteer Opportunities
To volunteer please send me an email!  We always need mystery readers and party helpers. My classroom parent is always willing to help coordinate volunteers as well.
Please keep in mind that to volunteer at ERA you must have the following completed:
-A background check. See the office for the form.
-Each time you volunteer you must check in at the lower school office. You will need a photo ID.

Copyright 2012.msh2ndgrade. No Animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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