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Classroom Management

Tiered “Take a Break” System

1.Take a Break: student comes back on their own. (minor disruptions)
2.Take a Break- Teacher invites student back: If behavior continues, student takes a 2nd break and completes reflection. Student will conference with teacher before returning to seat.
3.Buddy Room: Behavior has continued and is distracting other students. Student will go to a buddy classroom to complete a Fix- it.

Classroom Marble Jar

Throughout the day, the students transition to several classes such as PE, Music, Art, and Latin. During these times, the class can earn up to 5 marbles for our jar based on whole class behavior and participation. The class can also earn marbles for compliments by other adults in the hallways. Once we fill our marble jar, we have a marble celebration. We will determine the type of celebration as a class. 

Pillar Club 
Beginning in Quarter 2 of the
2021-22 School Year

Pillar Club in Grade 2
• To reward and acknowledge students who consistently demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the Pillars of Eagle Ridge (
• Cycle Day 5 for 20 minutes
• Behave in a responsible & respectable manner according to the Pillars
• Finish classwork
• Complete & return homework, on-time
• Come prepared to class each day of the week
What it looks like:
• All of grade 2 students come together to participate in an activity planned by the hosting teacher. The activities include crafts, art projects, board games, extra recess, speakers, videos, etc…
Study Hall:
• The students go to the classroom that is not hosting Pillar Club.
• The students not attending Pillar Club due to behavior will review the pillars with the hosting teacher. They will also complete an activity related to the pillar they may need to work on at the time (ex: brainstorming ways to be a good citizen or making a poster about how to behave in the hallway, etc.).
• The students not attending due to incomplete work will be given work time.
Students have a fresh start each week to be a part of "Pillar Club".

Copyright 2012.msh2ndgrade. No Animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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