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The reading log is due every Monday. Each reading log must include parent initials to be considered complete. All the reading recorded should be reading that is done outside of school. Please record the title of the book read and the minutes read each day. If multiple books were read you can just include one title. Reading packets are sent home throughout the school year and these passages count as well. At the end of the week please add up the total number of minutes read before returning it to school. Below you will find the reading log document if your child cannot find theirs. The reading log will be included in your child's reading grade as participation. This accounts for 10% of their grade. Thank you for supporting and encouraging your child to become life long reaers!

This weekly assignment is graded by how many minutes they read each week.
140 + minutes = 10 points
139-130 minutes = 9 points
129-120 minutes = 8 points
119-110 minutes = 7 points
109-100 minutes = 6 points
99-90 minutes = 5 points
89-80 minutes = 4 points
79-70 minutes = 3 points
69-60 minutes = 2 points
59-50 minutes = 1 point
49 minutes -below = 0 points

Students will be studying one author per month throughout the school year. They will make note of what makes each author special and have a chance to share these authors and stories with their families at our Reader Cafe even in May. 
September: Marc Brown
October: Nancy Carlson 
November: TBD
December: Jan Brett
January: TBD
February: Patricia Polacco
March:  Steven Kellogg
April: TBD
May: Kadir Nelson

Author Study 

RAZ Kids 

RAZ-Kids is a free online reading resource that is available to all students in our classroom.  This resource provides your child with a wide variety of books at their level.  It also helps students practice their reading fluency and comprehension. Below are the directions for logging in.

How to login:
1.Go to
2.Enter teacher username: akruger14
3.Click on your child’s name
4.Enter child’s password (Kruger)

Copyright 2012.msh2ndgrade. No Animals were harmed in the making of this website.

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